Sean Stogner
Engagement Strategy Director at Forsman & Bodenfors Göteborg
New York, United States
Campaign Know Your Signs
Advertiser Sandy Hook Promise
Brand Sandy Hook Promise
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2016 / 12
Business Sector Public Safety, Health & Hygiene
Story On the face of it, this is the story of Evan, a teen counting down the days to summer break. He demonstrates his boredom by writing on a table in the school library. The next day he finds someone has responded. While we watch Evan’s romance play out, another darker tale is unfolding simultaneously, but no one notices. Only when we watch the film a second time do we realise what's been happening in front of our very eyes. The pay off urges us to look out for the warning signs of a potential shooting.

This story is actually two stories. While we're watching Evan pursue an epistolary teen romance by scratching messages on the library desk, we completely miss the build-up to a tragic school shooting. When we're told of the hidden message, we have to watch again, to find that we missed all the clues. "Know the Signs", says Sandy Hook Promise, and you could prevent disaster.

This powerful ad has a twist that will drop your jaw. Viewers watch Evan, a high school boy, as he navigates his way through a mysterious crush. We find ourselves smiling when the identity of the mystery woman is revealed. But the smile swifty turns into a gasp as a shooter enters the scene just behind our lovebirds. As our mind tries to wrap around what is happening, the film revisits previous scenes, only this time focusing on another character, in the background, as he plans the shooting. “Gun violence is preventable when you know the signs.”
Philosophy Almost 4 years after the tragedy that struck Sandy Hook Elementary School, there continues to be no reduction in the number of gun violence acts committed each and every day. In the aftermath, families and communities are often left wondering what they could have done differently to have stopped it. Sandy Hook Promise (SHP), a leading national gun violence prevention organisation, wants to help prevent acts of gun violence before they start through their no cost “Know the Signs” programs. SHP’s programs teach youth and adults how to recognise an individual exhibiting at-risk behaviours and how to effectively intervene to get them help BEFORE they hurt themselves or others.
Sadly, it has been reported that 80% of school shooters and 70% of individuals who completed suicides told someone of their violent plans prior to taking action – yet no interventions weren’t made. Working with award-winning advertising agency BBDO New York, SHP is launching a powerful PSA titled “Evan” to educate viewers that very often warning signs are given off before an act of violence occurs – but sometimes we don’t see what is right in front of us.
The short film is the story of Evan, a teen counting down the days to summer break, who demonstrates his boredom by writing on a table in the school library. The next day he finds someone has responded back. While we watch Evan’s story, another darker tale is unfolding simultaneously, but no one notices. You can view the piece in its entirety below:
“When you don’t know what to look for or can’t recognise what you are seeing, it can be easy to miss warning signs or dismiss them as unimportant. That can lead to tragic consequences, including someone hurting themselves or others”, said Nicole Hockley, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Sandy Hook Promise who lost her first-grade son Dylan in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. “It is important for us to show youth and adults that they are not helpless in protecting their community from gun violence – these acts are preventable when you know the signs. Everyone has the power to intervene and get help. These actions can save lives.”
“Through ‘Evan,' we sought to show how different your perspective can be when you’re aware of the signs,” said Greg Hahn, Chief Creative Officer of BBDO New York. "We’ve been fortunate to work with the inspiring people at Sandy Hook Promise to help parents, students, and teachers better identify these signs.”
“Evan” demonstrates the problem that SHP is working to solve through their four “Know the Signs” research-based programs, provided at no cost to schools and community organisations. In just 22 months, SHP has already trained 1.5 million students, teachers school officials and parents in all 50 states in at least one of its programs.
As a result of their “Know the Signs” training, SHP has helped intervene on multiple threats – including a school shooting, suicides and bringing firearms to schools, as well as helping to reduce bullying and getting hundreds of individuals mental health assistance.
Like other public health issues, including heart attacks, domestic violence and strokes, PSAs have historically been a powerful tool in educating Americans on recognising signs of someone needing help. SHP’s Know the Signs campaign is no different. BBDO New York seized the opportunity to expand SHP’s mission and educate millions with this powerful and educational PSA. 
Media Type Case Study
Production Company Smuggler
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Music Beta Petrol
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