DEPT® partners with Barbadian government to launch remote hub

Backed by Prime Minister Mia Mottley, DEPT® aims to bring job opportunities and economic growth to the Caribbean

Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Global digital agency DEPT® continues to expand its network of remote hubs with the launch of DEPT® Barbados, which joins existing remote hubs in Macedonia, Croatia, Uruguay and Argentina. By enabling locals to work remotely, DEPT® is giving Barbadians and citizens of the Caribbean region the opportunity to gain experience in both marketing and technology, while working with some of the biggest brands in the world. 

In an effort to support the rise of hybrid working environments and to attract talent from more diverse socio-economic, cultural backgrounds, DEPT® now has more than 400 employees in remote hubs around the world, which represent 10% of its global workforce. In particular, the remote hub in Barbados launches with a strong social impact strategy; in collaboration with the Barbadian government and support of Prime Minister Mia Mottley, DEPT® is investing in this hub to bring more economic opportunities to a country that has been hit hard by reduced tourism and climate change. 

“If we can get global investments here that allow talented people the virtual access they need to stay here and build a career, it’s a no-brainer,” said Mia Mottley, Barbados’ Prime Minister. “Our duty in terms of people is to give them the tools, give them the skills and access to opportunities. We’ve been watching DEPT® for a long time. We’re impressed by their progressive attitude and desire to make a difference. They’re real pioneers in the digital world so when they said they wanted a regional hub here, I said come.”

In Barbados, DEPT® has already hired several full time employees and expects to triple the size of the team by the end of the year. 

“Barbados is pivoting to a new world ripe with remote working opportunities,” said Tobias Cummins, Global SVP, Clients at DEPT® and Barbados native. “Before now, people with ambition to work in the industry would either leave the island to pursue a career or end up sacrificing some ambition to earn a living doing simply what’s available to them. The talent has always been there, but the opportunities were missing. In my mind, this program can start to reverse this trend. We can attract folks from across the region to what could ultimately become a major business hub.”

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